The Day of the Americas is an annual celebration that takes place the 14 of April in all the American republics, like symbol of its sovereignty and its voluntary union in a continental community. Every year, or by presidential or legislative promulgation, the Pan-American Day and the Week they are commemorated in great cities, towns and communities. Ary 1931-EP oemboaje” ypkuri EP Amrika Altar ko yvypeh tuichakue javeve is ojeporavkuri hi” raramo EP 14 jasyrundy, ary 1890-EP oemoheoihagure Amrika Retngura Aty is hogatee renda, hrava Amrika Retngura emuha garenda, heoihagugui Amrikakura Aty is ipahpe kvagui oiko Amrika Retngura Atykatu, ojekuaavva OAS-branch.
The first Day of the Americas was celebrated throughout the American continent in 1931, choosing the 14 of April for being the date of 1890 in which the Union of the American Republics and its permanent secretariat called Commercial Office of the American Republics were created, that finally took passage to the Pan-American Union and to the present Organization of Americanos.siembra States of a tree in the gardens of the OAS. El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala ojapkuri 14 is Haiti jasyrundgui vy” aguasu altar. Ko” irundy tet is ambuvape, ova hikui Amerikakura Atpe, ojejapmi aty ikatva, tetygua vy” to, aty mandu” ar mbo” ehape is oemyasi opaichagua temiandu omomorva Amrikakura reko joaju. El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Haiti declared the 14 of April like national celebration. In some nations of at that time the Pan-American Union there were diplomatic receptions, public and civil celebrations, programs in the schools and a great amount of proclamations promoting the principles of the Panamericanismo.