In this direction, one of the justifications that this guides initiative is the subject to be come back toward a so present subject not only in the reality of the mouroenses, but also of the visitors who degustam the typical plate of the city of Mouro Field, beyond privileging the National Party of the Sheep in the Hole as cultural patrimony of the city. Moreover, this work is also justified for trying to bring answers of questions that if originate with regard to the origin of the typical plate and its transformation in status of tradition and cultural patrimony of the city, which had to the fact of the subject to belong not only to the population scope, but also of the economy and the politics, closely on spheres stop with the implantation and/or cultural transformation of the plate. It is still justified, for trying to identify how the media propagated the referring advantages and cons to the plate in question, a time that it is the responsible one for the formation of the cultural identity of great part of the townspeople of Mouro Field. Objectives Objective general: Having as thematic typical plate Sheep in the hole: transformation in tradition, this proposal of research has as objective to study as if it constructed the process of transformation of this would iguaria gastronmica in strategical elements for the socioeconmico development of the city of Mouro Field. Specific objectives: To inquire the gastronmico panorama of the typical plate Sheep in the hole directed toward the tourism in the period of 1990 the 2009, giving soon to attention to its origin and rituals of preparation; To understand, by means of the historical perspective, the question of the cultural identity of would iguaria Sheep in the Hole in relation to the cultural context of the locality the one that is connected; To know which the consideration of the mouroense population in relation to ' ' plate tpico' ' it represents that them. .