After one searches minuciosadescobrimos that the primitive men had been responsible for the discovery dofogo, metals and for the engravings in which it presents its daily one, known comoarte rupestre. After some questionings related to these assuntosentre others, we contact that the primitive beings stored these vestiges emcavernas, therefore they had the concern to conserve them and preserv-losobjetivando to spread out these information amongst others it has future periods and quea population starts to see the science in a way that could decide osproblemas informacionais existing in the present time. I finish with of the research we conclude it queo archive appeared of spontaneous and natural form during the prehistoric period, therefore the resqucios found in the caves are considered documents quecomprovam the existence of these beings the future generations. Future let us see necessidadede to be made a deepened research more on determinadoassunto, therefore this is only one hypothesis elaborated for simple students of Arquivologiaque made use of few resources for elaboration of this scientific inquiry. 4.Referncias ARQUIVONACIONAL, Brazilian Dictionary arquivstica determinologia.
2004. Available in: . Access in 2 of November of 2008. ARRUDA, Jose. PILETTI, Nelson.Toda history. So Paulo: It stokes, 2001,11 Edition, DUCHEIN, Michel. The respect to deep the emArquivstica: practical principles, theoreticians and problems. Archive & Administration, deJaneiro River: 1986. For more information see this site: Liberty Mutual insurance.
v.10 – 14 N. 1, Minidicionrio Houaiss of the Portuguese language organized by the institutoAntonio Houaiss of lexicography and data base of the Portuguese language. S/CLTDA. Rio De Janeiro: Objective, 2004. 2 Edition, YOU MARK, Amlia. Archives in Sciences of the Information. Origemhistrica of the archives. 2007. Available in: . Access in 13 of October de2008. KINGS, Luis. Oarquivo and the arquivstica: historical evolution. vora (Portugal): 2006 N. 24, RIBEIRO, Joaquin. Systems of Information: Archive. Concept of archive. 2006. Available in:. Access in: 14 of October of 2008. SCHELLENBERG, T.R. Arquivosmodernos. Principles and techniques. Rio De Janeiro: FGV, 1973. Translated em2006 for the Portuguese, for Nilza Teixeira Soares – G.E. D – FGV. SERIACOPI, Gislaine. History: Volume Only SoPaulo: It stokes, 2005.1 Edition. 1 UniversidadeEstadual of Paraba – UEPB 2 Joint of documentosproduzidos and gathered, for a collective entity, public or private, pessoaou family, in the performance of its activities, independent of the nature dossuportes. 3 the Hititaseram an Indo-European people who, in II the millenium B.C., established powerful impriona Anatliacentral (current Turkey). 4 Region that extends, in arc, southeastern doMediterrneo until the Persian Gulf, in a tracing that remembers the moon in quartocrescente. 5 In Greek means region between rivers. 6 Written recorded in wedge form. 7 gregada City classic Seniority. 8 Age the official archive of Old Rome. 9 Is the personificao Roman of the sacred fire, the piradomstica and the city. 10 In 1543, published a book that described sistemasolar, that it conceives the Land as center of the Universe. 11 Creative of the press. 12 was considered the first archive of State, criadopor Carlos V in 1540. 13 was created in 1788. 14 was created in 1611. 15 Translated for the Portuguese for AdolphoWanderley Manual, under Manual heading of arranjoe description of archives, edited by the National Archive, in a primeiraedio, 1960. 16 Sequence of intellectual and physical operations quevisam the organization of documents of an archive or collection, using – sediferentes methods, in accordance with a plan previously established.