It must be had in mind that the environments that go beyond the work circle, make possible valuable contacts, allow that you tell its conquests and, in such a way, promote its image stop possible new chances of personal and professional growth. As the work market if leads of this form, we compete increasing ours networking, knowing new creatures and if keeping in a positive position and condizente with the requirements of the work market, in order to call the attention people who can operate changes in our professional lives. Networking makes in them to be known in a bigger scope, that goes beyond the corridors of the company where we act. 4. Conclusion the life of all professional is repleta of difficult moments, challenges, pressures of all the sides.

The success is to be conquered trophy, and to tread the way that takes in them to the success, needs to make personal marketing, to work to be optimum and to transmit to the world, or part of it what it interests in them, to make with that the others speak of itself, exactly how much is not present, and becomes known for the maximum number of people. Finishing we can say that to carry through personal marketing he is majestical, very welcome and is one to have personal and professional in the days of today. We have the duty to say who we are and of what we are capable to offer and to produce. We have that to in general transmit our knowledge and abilities for the society.