Passo Fundo heads better for a quality of life Finally! Passo Fundo possesss a new image. What until it has little time was charged constantly, now is part of the past. Today the reality is another one. Until it seems dream. For many skeptics the significant improvements in the transit still are reason for caution. However the City hall through the Secretariat of Workmanships and General services had rolled up sleeves and is showing that it is possible to advance! Streets and avenues to full the eyes are being deliver the community with that quality have waited time. For a year beginning, it is a good start.

To be able Public and community they come back to coexist in harmony. Congratulations to the involved managers in these workmanships for the fulfilment of its obligations Congratulations and debtor especially to the men of Front, operators of machines, drivers, laborers, mechanics, borracheiros, lubricators and all excessively of the final execution. The ones that they catch in the heavy one, the ones that come back tired toward house after a daily and extenuante chore. Debtor to the family heads who fulfill with its duty and earn little therefore. To these the recognition! They all the mritos! It does not stop the ones that enter for the door of the deep ones and gain a wage that nothing condiz with what they produce. How much to the Servers who had entered for the door of the front, – giving competition, and that they catch in heavy these can until coming back tired toward the recess of its homes in the end of each day, but with certainty they place the head in the pillow and obtain to sleep the sleep of the right ones! However Passo Fundo earns and earns the community! It remains to believe that everything is made with quality and that lasts, seno forever, but for a good time. Jose Berton Journalist