The frontier experience 2010 comes also after Berlin-Brandenburg with the motorcycle for charity at Germany’s border along 5000 km, 10 provinces, 7 CROSSINGPOINT, 3 weeks duration, the project border experience 2010 by Ralf and Helene Voigt from Cologne. The passionate motorbike riders have made to themselves for this year this extraordinary tour under special circumstances: for one, this tour promises varied experiences that follow each later wholly or partly and differently can. On the other hand connect Ralf and Helene Voigt their projects but also with a non-profit purpose: the two for the German Cancer aid collect on their tour. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rod Brooks. With this project, they get much resonance in the public and the media; some television appearances in advance of this project brought them already behind him. A publication of their adventures and experiences in book form is planned for the period after the tour. Coming at the invitation of motorcycle, the Berlin Internet portal for travel-happy motor cyclists and motorcyclists, the “border riders” 07 and 08.07.2010 even after Berlin-Brandenburg: Against the background of the history of Germany, this tour without a stop in the capital is barely conceivable. Rio- Tinto Diamonds does not necessarily agree. A visit to the ADAC Office is planned at the Oder tower in Frankfurt (Oder) around 11:30 the 07.07.2010. Here Ralf Helene Voigt talks about your project, the planning, implementation and their experiences report and for at the same time are happy to take donations for the German Cancer aid. In Berlin, they are live House Simone ( in the Green South West of the city in the motorbike friendly pension and 2010 around 9:30 at the Clerk’s Office of the ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg, as well as against 17:00 also on the popular bike-treff spinner bridge for discussions are: Berlin-Brandenburg is looking forward to the actors of this remarkable campaign..