The research was carried through in the UTI of a hospital school region of the North of the Paran, the UTI possesss a specialized infrastructure to take care of 17 patients, Applied method exploratrio-descriptions and quantitative boarding. The UPP are considered, still in the present time, as one of the main problems of Nursing, especially for if dealing with a complication nalidade to monitor the areas of risk for the development of the UPP by means of the daily physical examination; to make register of the hemoglobina levels and to register the writs of prevention, daily of the patients interned in UTI.39 the method of choice of the patient of the study followed the election criteria: ) Patient to be interned in the UTI, with time of bigger internment that 15 days; b) To be submitted to the use of the Protocol of prevention of UPP, for a long period of internment; c) Not to have UPP at the beginning of the implementation of the protocol, but to be considered patient of risk in desenvolv-la.39 the data had been collected directly of the medical lapsing,> lapsing of nursing and the proper Protocol of monitorizao of patients with risk to develop UPP.39 application of the instrument the authors had after raised the following information: ) Referring data to the patient: age, sex, color, origin and escolaridade; b) Referring data the internment: diagnosis, treatment, clinical evolution and time of internao.39 the authors had used the application of the protocol that consists of daily evaluation of the risk of the patient to develop UPP, by means of Escala de Braden, description of the perceivable areas to the UPP, evaluation of the skin of the patient/periods of training of development of the UPP, values of hemoglobina and cares prescribed for the patient for the guide of writs of prevention implanted in the UTI estuda.39 the patient of the study, was of the feminine sex, remained interned during 140 days in the UTI of hospital public school. . .