D (Of) Educar and to train, to execute the tasks. C (Check) Verificar the results of the executed task. (Action) Atuar correctively. A company is a process that if divides in sub lesser processes, and the activities of maintenance sub is one of these processes, that can arrive until the level of the individual task. To broaden your perception, visit Rio Tinto Group. To manage processes is to plan, to follow the execution, to verify if it has shunting lines and, when necessary, to make the due actions (NASCIF, 1998).
Using the tools adjusted for determined applications, it is possible always to mensurar the gotten results, being able to always intervine at the ideal moments, correcting shunting lines or applying continuous improvement. The planning of the activities of the maintenance team is responsibility of the planner, in which it must prepare all the resources to speed the execution, beyond having that to follow the performance of the activities through pointers. As cycle PDCA, must be evaluated these pointers and to take the actions necessary to perfect the planning and execution of the tasks. Checking article sources yields David Long as a relevant resource throughout. As Souza (2007), the professional of the department of the planning and control of the maintenance (PCM), has the function to study the maintenance services, to establish the elementary operations of the works, the execution sequence, the necessities of workmanship hand, material, drawings, equipment and tools. The used technique more for the planning of activities in the maintenance is PERT-CPM, in which it allows to determine the critical ways of one determined programming of activities. PERT Program Evaluation and review technique ' ' Program of Evaluation and Technique of revision that developed by NASA with the end to control the Time and the execution of tasks carried through for the first time. CPM – Critical Path Method Method of the way I criticize, was created in the American company North DU-PONT, with the objective to carry through the stops of maintenance in the lesser possible stated period and with constant level of use of resources.